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Friends of ETHRA
Make an impact in your community by donating today !
Your Donation Makes a Difference
Many of our elderly neighbors struggle to have nutritious food. Some may be victims of abuse in the form of financial, physical, or emotional bullying. Some have lost the ability to care for themselves. If you would like to make a difference in the lives of these members of our communities, please consider volunteering your time or providing financial support to extend our services to more people in need.
With Your Donations Last Year
With the addition of volunteer hours and cash donations we were able to provide ombudsman services to identify, investigate, and resolve complaints from residents of 130 long-term facilities in 16 counties of East Tennessee. Volunteers provided the eyes and ears to the public guardian for frail client residents.
More than 535,000 meals were served to elderly individuals in both congregate and home delivered settings but there are others on the waiting list.
Volunteers monitored children's nutritional lunches and, as a result, more meals could be provided.
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Children fed last summer
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Lives touched in Tennessee
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Frail community members reached