RFP Invitation: One Stop Operator and Career Services Provider in LWDA 4
May 24, 2017
ETHRA is seeking requests for proposals (RFP) for the Local Workforce Development Board Area 4 (LWDA4) One Stop Operator and Career Services Provider for the American Job Centers in Local Workforce Development Area 4.
The purpose of this RFP is to identify and fund an entity to manage and coordinate service delivery in the American Job Center One Stop in a functional arrangement where all partners are working together in a manner that ensures the provision of excellent business services and job seeker services. This entity will also provide the delivery of Title 1 Career Services for adults and dislocated workers within the network of AJC’s. This proposal will cover all American Job Centers in Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Cumberland, Loudon, Monroe, Morgan, Roane and Scott counties.
If you are interested in submitting a bid, please contact Kay Norton, Procurement Officer for ETHRA, at knorton@ethra.org.
Responses must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the requirements and time frames in the RFP. This RFP closes on June 12, 2017.